An Interactive Installation - making sense In a world of fuzziness

Toby McManus/AKAT showcased this artwork in Richmix Art Centre in Shoreditch, London, for an interactive exhibition.

‘Alexa, are you listening?’ was a response to Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica leaks and the rising popularity of smart devices.

Toby has always been fascinated in Interactive Artwork, exploring ways for the audience to become part of the artwork, for them to interact and adapt the work and not just observe passively.

The theme of ‘Alexa are you listening?’ explored the way ‘DATA’ is collected and stored. Currently we live in ‘The Century of Data’, producing so much every day, but without asking ‘Where does it all go? How is it processed and how is it used?’.

The piece took the viewer on journey from a saturated data landscape responding to audience movement, to self-recognition and realisation, followed by an experience aimed at triggering the question, ‘What happens when we try to erase our digital footprint?’

Toby explores these concepts and reveals his take on where our data goes once we’ve created it and questions whether it is ever possible to delete it? The installation questions who rightfully owns our data in the end?

Research and Development: